We offer a variety of consultancy services dependent upon your need, from a specific Architecture review, through restructuring your development process or your DevOps methodology and up to a full-scale analysis workshop that will pave the way for your next-generation product inception.
The modern software development arena is a dynamic place. New technologies and new versions of existing technologies are launched at a dizzying pace. Most companies are leaping continually between technological dilemmas that can jumpstart their development or burry it in a black hole of bugs.
It is challenging to stay up to date with platforms and frameworks which are relevant for your specific needs, it is even harder to figure out what isn’t “written in the brochures” and the crucial implications of deploying new technology into your current product and codebase. These dilemmas can vary from breaking a monolith to microservices, migrating to a cloud IoT System or implementing ML & AI processes. An organization will probably face these kinds of dilemmas once in a lifetime, but we at CodeValue, have faced them numerous times so that we could swiftly bridge the “technology gap”.
We offer a variety of consultancy services dependent upon your need, from a specific Architecture review, through restructuring your development process or your DevOps methodology and up to a full-scale analysis workshop that will pave the way for your next-generation product inception. We will provide you with the most skilled and experienced experts adequate for your challenge. IoT, Web, Product, Cloud, we have the most skilled and experienced team.